
Citation de code source en C++192

 29 July 2014 à 12:50
class God // Okay this is going well
    static God* m_God; // Point to yourself, eh? Pretty narcissistic. 

    God &getSingleton() { if(!m_God) { m_God = new m_God(); } return m_God(); } // Woah woah. Only one of you? Poor design. 

    World *createWorldFromNothing() { return WorldManager::makeNewWorld(); } // You didn't really create a world from nothing, God... you just borrowed it.
    const bool wasItGood(World* world) { return true; } // DA FUCK God?! You didn't even check! It could be garbage for all you know! It's a pointer!
    God() { ; }
    ~God() { ; }

God* God::m_God = 0; 

int main(...)
    World *world = God::getSingleton()->createWorldFromNothing(); 
    while(God::getSingleton()->wasItGood(world)) // Dude. This goes forever. You know that right?

    return 0; // THIS NEVER CALLS. DA FUQ GOD. 

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